Writing novels gives me the opportunity to create movies on paper. I love to bring to life my passion for creating new worlds, lovable characters and adventurous stories.
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Comingsoon.net Releases Exclusive First Look at Trailer
ComingSoon.net released an exclusive first look at the trailer for the upcoming The Sound of Violet motion picture which will be released only in theaters starting April 29. In this romantic comedy, Shawn is desperate [...]
The Sound of Violet Named Book of the Year
The Sound of Violet was named “Book of the Year” by the Independent Author Network. The Sound of Violet novel was given this recognition as a Book of the Year out of thousands of entries. The [...]
The Sound of Violet Named Best Romantic Comedy Novel of 2021
The Sound of Violet has been named the Best Romantic Comedy Novel of 2021 by Readers' Favorite. The Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest featured thousands of contestants from over a dozen countries, ranging [...]